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Did your relative, friend, or neighbor serve in the military? Hot 107.3 FM  and Billy Teague would like to honor our veterans of Texoma for their bravery with the “Texoma Heroes” program. On the last Friday of every month, we would like to award one special hero with a ceremonial flag. This “Texoma Hero” will be awarded their ceremonial flag at noon at the VFW post 2772, 1707 Baker Rd, Sherman, TX 75090.  The award is open to any branch of the military.

To submit a nomination, please complete the form below.

This is a small way of saying thank you to those who have served our country from Texoma’s #1 Hit Music Station Hot 107.3 FM!

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Texoma Heroes Sept 2017

Texoma Heroes Oct 2017

Texoma Heroes Nov/Dec 2017

Texoma Heroes May 2018

Texoma Heroes Nov/Dec 2018

Texoma Heroes March 2019